Jessica Mack on Latest Book Crush

G’Day, I’m Jessica.

Welcome to my book review site. I’d love to hear about your latest book crush, leave me a comment or come find me on Instagram or Facebook!

Girl Gone Viral

Score: 4/5 Bookmarks

Steam Rating: 🍆🍆🍆/5

Thank you to Avon Books for gifting me a review copy of Girl Gone Viral by Alisha Rai. This is the second in her Modern Love series, and while I really loved the first book, The Right Swipe, I enjoyed this one even more. I mean, who wouldn’t fall in love with a sexy, loyal (but mysterious) bodyguard. And that country setting sounds idyllic to me right now.

Plus I really love the way the author crafts her relationships, both romantic and platonic in this series. If it’s possible for fictional characters to feel like home, then hers do. There is something so satisfying about the way the main characters, but also the supporting ones interact with and support each other.

It goes without saying that I also really appreciate how diverse her characters are, in personality, race, temperament, and profession. It’s refreshing.

I don’t want to spoil the story by telling you too much, but this is a wonderfully feel-good book…and I’m sure we could all use more of that in our lives right now.

The audiobook, narrated by Summer Morton and Brian Pallino, is also a delight, and you can get a copy by clicking the button below. If you’d prefer to grab a physical copy, click here.

You Deserve Each Other

You Deserve Each Other

Hid From Our Eyes

Hid From Our Eyes