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The Wives

Score: 3.5/5 Bookmarks

Steam Rating: 🍆🍆/5

The Wives by Tarryn Fisher was definitely a case of ‘Bookstagram made me do it’. It wasn’t one I was going to pick up, but after several friends insisting I read it, I finally succumbed. Tarryn Fisher lives in Seattle, and since moving here I’ve been making it my mission to read as many books by Seattle authors as I can (click here to view the ones I’ve read so far). This one comes out on December 30, 2019.

Thank you to Graydon House for sending me a free review copy.

For the first half of this book I was really into the storyline, I wanted our main character to find out more about her husband’s other wives, to solve the mysteries that were being presented. But then the book took a turn. It’s hard for me to talk about what I didn’t like without spoiling it for you, so I’ll just say that while the second half of the book took a very unexpected turn I didn’t find this new direction as interesting, suspenseful or well-written as the first half. I did still enjoy the book, and if you like psychological thrillers you’ll want to give this a read, I just think I would have been much more into the book if it had continued in the same vein as the first half.

Trigger warnings for miscarriage, domestic abuse (physical and emotional), stalking, and mental illness.

You can grab a copy of the book by clicking the button below.


Thursday’s husband, Seth, has two other wives. She’s never met them, and she doesn’t know anything about them. She agreed to this unusual arrangement because she’s so crazy about him.

But one day, she finds something. Something that tells a very different—and horrifying—story about the man she married.

What follows is one of the most twisted, shocking thrillers you’ll ever read.

You’ll have to grab a copy to find out why.