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The Only Good Indians

Score: 4/5 Bookmarks

Thank you to and Simon Schuster Audio for gifting me a review copy of The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones.

I’ll admit I was hesitant to read this book. The first (and only) horror I’d read before was Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky, and I hated it. So I had pretty much sworn off horror altogether. But when a buddy read formed for this one I thought I might give the genre another go…especially because there would be group support.

While I still don’t think horror is really my jam (I’m just too squeamish when it comes to the gory parts) I’m really glad I read this one.

I don’t want to give anything away, but I will say I found the story so compelling and there were some major twists and turns I didn’t see coming. The ones I did anticipate were still so shocking and horrific that I couldn’t look away.

I used to live in Colorado and elk were fairly common-place, to the point where I got pretty comfortable standing near a herd of animals each weighing 500-730 lbs, but I’ll tell you now, I will never be able to think about them in the same way after reading this book.

The author also allowed me to step into the shoes of people who’s cultures I don’t know nearly enough about and experience a sliver of different lives, traditions, and unfortunately ongoing prejudices as well. I couldn’t say if it was the author’s intent but he’s sparked my curiosity and I’ve starting my own research to learn more about the history and traditions of different nations.

This is one of those books I know will stay with me for a long, long time. Not just because of the creepiness factor (although I’ll definitely be reading or watching a rom-com or something before bed tonight) but because I really felt like I was there with the characters, seeing through their eyes and feeling their sadness, regret, and love.

The audiobook was expertly narrated by Shaun Taylor-Corbett, which really helped me feel immersed in the story. The audio is eight and a half hours long at 1x speed, and I tore through it in a weekend. You can grab a copy by clicking the button below, or get a physical copy here.


Seamlessly blending classic horror and a dramatic narrative with sharp social commentary, The Only Good Indians follows four American Indian men after a disturbing event from their youth puts them in a desperate struggle for their lives. Tracked by an entity bent on revenge, these childhood friends are helpless as the culture and traditions they left behind catch up to them in a violent, vengeful way.