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One by One

Score: 5/5 Bookmarks

Ok, it’s official, I love Ruth Ware. Thank you to Scout Press for gifting me a review copy of One by One. I loved it, every last twisted, disturbing, nail-biting bit of it.

Erin works at a beautiful mountain chalet in St Antoine in France. They host a lot of corporate retreats and there’s nothing unusual about the big-wigs from Snoop (a music streaming app) booking the chalet for their offsite. But when people start disappearing and an avalanche cuts them off from the outside world, things really get out of hand.

One by One is told from the alternating viewpoints of Erin and Liz (one of the Snoop guests). I loved watching the story unfold from their different viewpoints and it had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through.

About halfway through we discover some additional secrets that make it even more twisty and delicious! It felt much like a modern-day Agatha Christie novel to me, and I am all about it!


Getting snowed in at a beautiful, rustic mountain chalet doesn’t sound like the worst problem in the world, especially when there’s a breathtaking vista, a cozy fire, and company to keep you warm. But what happens when that company is eight of your coworkers…and you can’t trust any of them?

When an off-site company retreat meant to promote mindfulness and collaboration goes utterly wrong when an avalanche hits, the corporate food chain becomes irrelevant and survival trumps togetherness. Come Monday morning, how many members short will the team be?