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It Happened One Summer

Score: 5/5 Bookmarks

Steam Rating: 🍆🍆🍆🍆 /5

Well, that was unexpected. I loved this book SO much. The reason why that came as such a surprise is because I didn't exactly love the first book I read by this author, and was luke-warm about the second book I read by her. But I was convinced to give this one a go (thanks @literallybookedsolid for twisting my arm, and @ilashreads for sending me the book) and it was exactly what I needed to read right now.

The characters were incredible, with Piper being based on Alexis from Schitt's Creek, and Brendan being the grumpy boat captain and bear of a man you're going to immediately fall in love with. Plus the setting was so perfect. It's set in Westport, which is a real place here in Washington state. The supporting cast really enriched the story too, and I was beyond thrilled to learn we'll be getting a book about Piper's sister Hannah next! It will be called Hook, Line and Sinker so stay tuned for that.

The premise of the story is that Piper is a rich party girl, living in LA. She's arrested after throwing an out-of-control party and her stepdad basically sends her away to clean up her act. She does a lot of self-discovery and deciding what is actually important in her life, and it's heartwarming to watch her growth.

Brendan is a widower and is very firmly stuck in his ways. He and Piper don't exactly get off on the best foot but there is undeniable chemistry between them. During our zoom with the author @readingforamoment mentioned that Brendan gave her Luke Dane vibes which is so true. Just imagine Luke Dane's spirit in a super hot fisherman's body.

Speaking of chemistry, this book is Steamy (yes, with a capital 'S')! I needed a cold shower just to calm down afterward.

Anyway, just like I'm a big fan of the enemies to lovers trope in my romances, I feel like Tessa Bailey and I have a bit of that going on too. But now that I've found my way to love her, I'm so completely and totally on Team Tessa. And really, isn't hard-earned love more rewarding in the end?

Have you read this one, or is it on your TBR?